Analytics & Insights Archives - Knexus Blog Personalized shoppable UGC Mon, 09 Sep 2024 13:56:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Analytics & Insights Archives - Knexus Blog 32 32 4 ways machine learning can improve the relevance of website YouTube videos Thu, 05 Jan 2023 06:39:33 +0000 Whether it’s tailored recommendations, contextual advertising, or dynamic pricing, machine learning rapidly made its...

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Whether it’s tailored recommendations, contextual advertising, or dynamic pricing, machine learning rapidly made its way into marketing. Brands can now leverage the technology to deliver customer experiences that mirror our new content consumption patterns and lifestyles – dynamic, rich, and on-the-go.

Coca Cola using youtube video on website

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What brands gain from embedding YouTube videos on their websites

Research suggests YouTube videos are a preferred tool for marketers who want to drive user engagement and purchases. Indeed, since video enables users to visualize the brand story better than text or images, it has a higher likelihood of driving active user engagement.

Embedding videos on a website also makes brand discovery more enjoyable. Video compels brands to communicate concisely and effectively, helping visitors get the information they need faster than through text.

Video also helps conversion. It makes it easier for people to remember the brand message and connect with their story, increasing the chances for them to come back and turn into paying customers.

ASOS using youtube video content

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Video can tip the balance when it comes to the bottom line

Video is a powerful way to build trust and position the brand, and adoption of video for marketing is rising among brands and marketers. According to Unbounce, including a video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by 80%.

87% of online marketers already use video content and the number of businesses using video as a marketing tool has gone up by 35% in 2018 compared to the previous year.

A diversified offer of video content is proposed by marketers, ranging from product promotion to instructional or brand development video content. According to Curata, the top three most effective types of video are customer testimonials (51%), tutorials (50%), and demos (49%).

Embedded website videos have a positive and measurable impact on marketing results.

SEO results : Companies that use video get 40% more web traffic from search than companies that don’t. A 2017 Cisco study forecasts that video will represent 80% of all internet traffic by 2021, and video content is 50 times more likely to drive organic search results than plain text, according to Omnicore.

ROI optimization : 87% of marketers feel video drives positive ROI, and companies that include videos in their marketing report 34% higher conversion rates. Consumers reportedly spend 88% more time on websites that show video content, and Google reports that nearly 50% of users look for videos about a product or service before visiting a store.

Putting Machine Learning in marketers’ hands

1. Personalized content

Showing your audience the right video at the right time is critical to delivering a personalized and relevant brand experience.

Machine learning techniques can analyze massive amounts of data – from explicit, demographic customer information to inferring tone or sentiment – in order to find underlying patterns and correctly detect customer preferences and personal interests. Learning what is most effective for each visitor enables marketers to deliver video content that is truly relevant for their prospects.

2. Enhanced segmenting

Customers are not all the same, so different engagement techniques or incentives should be used. Machine learning technology can interpret data from social activity or shopping activity to identify complex behavioral patterns.

Marketers can correlate this information with customer journeys for more precise segmenting that ensures each user is shown the appropriate content depending on their profile, stage, and customer journey objectives.

3. Better content performance

You can’t optimize what you don’t measure. Marketers typically rely on insights such as watch time or view-through rates.

With machine learning, such data can be analyzed together with audience profile information, contextual information, and website behavior to enable brands to automatically pull the best YouTube content into their website. Feedback from this dynamic optimization allows marketers to create and serve video content that is ever more relevant and generates the best results.

4. Manual tasks automation

A/B testing optimization, manual segmentation, or video content scheduling can be enhanced when audience data can be interpreted and acted upon in real time. Relying on machine learning, these tasks can be automated and better performed so that only the most relevant videos are shown to users. This improves productivity by eliminating the time and manual effort for marketers to extract and read through the data, make decisions, and then implement them.

A few examples

IKEA using youtube video content

Image Source : IKEA

IKEA uses YouTube embedded videos on their website to promote their holiday product collection. The video tells a short, memorable story that associates an emotional connection to the brand while enabling an interactive product discovery. This inspires and engages the viewer more than traditional product category browsing.

Gillette using youtube video content

Image Source : Gillette

Gillette is another great example of a brand that relies on YouTube embedded videos to provide educational content. Short videos are used to explain the technology behind the brand’s products, making it easy for consumers to understand what makes the company’s products superior.

Unlike promotional content, Gillette’s instructional videos are mostly used to build the brand image and customer trust, rather than push for sales.

About Knexus

Knexus platform automatically transforms UGC, influencer & brand owned assets into hyper personalized, shoppable content for ecommerce. Move visitors through inspiration to buying!

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The role of machine learning in optimizing customer experiences Sat, 03 Dec 2022 08:30:49 +0000 Arthur Samuel, who coined the term machine learning in 1959, said that “rather than teaching computers...

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Rise of Machine Learning

Arthur Samuel, who coined the term machine learning in 1959, said that “rather than teaching computers everything they need to know about the world and how to carry out tasks, it might be possible to teach them to learn for themselves”.

In recent years, the rapid advancements in technology & infrastructure in Data science has made machine-learning one of the leading vehicles in development of intelligent applications & systems. Machine learning now provides a way for programming language based applications to scale in a manner that was not possible previously because all programming languages are essentially a set of predefined rules.

Rise of Machine Learning

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Machine learning is now manifesting its power in a myriad of applications such as: Digital (web & mobile applications), healthcare, surveillance & robotics, etc. Industries such as retail & finance are at the forefront of leveraging machine learning, given they generate/possess vast amounts of customer data, which is the lifeblood of machine-learning. This allows these industries to connect with their customers in a much more scalable way by serving intelligent & personalized experiences.

How Machine Learning Impacts Customer Experience

Below are a few important applications of machine learning to improve customer experiences:

1. Analytics

Predictive analytics allows brands to understand intent of their customers. It allows brands to predict future trends & imminent customer behaviour in order to fine tune marketing strategies. An insight that was previously unavailable.

2. Personalize Customer Experiences

Forbes recently said that most of the personalization available today is essentially items you’ve searched for that follow you around. With machine learning, companies can actually personalize the customer experience & serve the right content or product at the right time in their journey. This aspect will play an even greater role in maintaining customer loyalty & acquiring new customers.

“By providing better search results, Netflix estimates that it is avoiding cancelled subscriptions that would reduce its revenue by $1B annually.”

How machine learning impacts Customer Experience

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3. Tag Your Content

Companies are able to save costs by tagging their content & other data using machine learning. Machine learning can understand your content automatically by either reading the text, image recognition & video processing capabilities. Once you automatically understand the content, then it becomes easy for companies to serve the right content to internal and external stakeholders such as sales teams – to help them engage better with prospects & customers.

4. Just In Time Engagement

Forrester research found that 77% of consumers in the United States suggested that valuing their time is the most important aspect of the brands interaction with them. Machine learning allows you to understand the user/customer intent, and serve personalized actions at the precise time your customer expects. This creates a distinct experience (for your audience) that values customer’s time and thereby increasing loyalty & engagement.

5. Customer Service

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subset of machine learning that enables systems to understand language. Today digital assistants that augment customer service help companies in not only giving better service but also saving significant human resources costs. Currently the Financial services industry is at forefront of using these applications.

Take an example of a bank’s customer who has repeatedly waited until the last moment to make a minimum payments. Applications can learn about this behaviour and anticipate that this customer might be facing a cash flow situation. Intelligent applications can then send this person personalized loan offers!!

Customer Experiences Powered by Machine Learning – An Option No More

No Marketer can afford to ignore the importance & power of machine learning in their marketing strategy. Today, every company is engaging with their customers through multiple digital & offline channels. This is generating unimaginable quantities of data, and growing rapidly – the digital ecosystem is expected to grow from a mere 130 exabytes in 2005 to 40,000 by 2020.

Frank Palermo, executive vice president of global digital solutions at VirtusaPolaris, “Responsive retail has peaked – the next step for the industry is predictive commerce”. Brands have no choice but to include machine learning in their marketing strategies in order to serve personalized customer experiences that keep customers loyalty & engagement. This is no longer an early mover field. Studies show that about half of consumers in US & Europe will interact with applications and services based on machine learning by 2021.

In future more and more companies will have fully cognitive websites such as Amazon. The Brand marketing & Brand identity will lose some of its power, when coldly rational machines are making decisions. Therefore brands will have to move away from a “traditional” marketing approach and they will have to rearrange their marketing investments to invest more in technologies that support their brand’s identity.

About Knexus

Knexus platform automatically transforms UGC, influencer & brand owned assets into hyper personalized, shoppable content for ecommerce. Move visitors through inspiration to buying! Request a demo to find out how we can help you to make content sell.

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How machine learning will take customer experience to the next level Thu, 20 Oct 2022 10:00:27 +0000 Companies must keep new technologies on their radar. Indeed, it is crucial to anticipate how those...

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Companies must keep new technologies on their radar. Indeed, it is crucial to anticipate how those can support to deliver a superior customer experience. If business leaders don’t pay attention closely enough, it won’t be long before more agile competitors take the lead, erode their market share, and transform them into industry laggards. But the tech landscape is vast and complex. And not every innovation may influence the bottom line of your business and gaining popularity like machine learning and predictive analytics-enabled applications do – growing 65% faster than apps without such functionalities.

However, there are some fundamental questions you must ask yourself to make sure that these technologies are right for you: Is your target audience ready? How do you replace (a portion of) the human components without frustrating your users? And most importantly, can you improve customer experience with machine learning? Or is it just about running more efficient operations? Let’s look at those questions more into details.

A Growing Link Between Customer Engagement and Machine Learning

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A Growing Link Between Customer Engagement and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) will go mainstream in the future. And this may happen faster than you think. IDC predicts that over 50% of consumers will regularly interact with AI applications by the end of next year. This might sound unrealistically soon, but there is nothing disruptive that has not been brought to the table already.

Some companies, especially e-commerce platforms, have gathered data to anticipate online behaviors for over two decades – sometimes with enough accuracy to predict a purchase even before a visitor consciously begins his or her customer decision-making process. That’s why today’s technological advances are only the next logical step to an improved customer journey mapping with machine learning.

In the words of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos: “We’re on the edge of the golden age (with AI). There is so much more to come. It’s just the tip of the iceberg.” And this is highlighted by Gartner’s prediction that the majority of money invested in analytics for the three years to come will be on making sense of customer journeys.

The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Your Organization

The Benefits of Artificial Intelligence for Your Organization

At this stage, you might be wondering what the use cases of machine learning are for your organization and whether any tool is already available on the market for you to implement quickly. You can start benefiting from the technology today in two ways: adding relevance and making operations more efficient.

Content personalization tools can help you offer automated and individualized experiences to your consumers and followers with highly targeted and meaningful text, images, and videos. This, in turn, can increase your close rate and return on marketing investment.

However, like all technologies, machine learning and artificial intelligence also have a dark side. And Rachel Barton, Managing Director at Accenture Strategy tell that brands “need to be careful not to cross the ‘creepy’ line when it comes to customer privacy.”

Knexus platform automatically transforms UGC, influencer & brand owned assets into hyper personalized, shoppable content for ecommerce. Move visitors through inspiration to buying!

Find out how Knexus use Machine Learning to improve customer experiences

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Getting real about third-party cookies Tue, 02 Aug 2022 15:16:03 +0000 Google’s announcement to extend the demise of third party cookies, is an opportune time for brands to prioritize first-party data – allowing brands...

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Google’s announcement to extend the demise of third party cookies, is an opportune time for brands to prioritize first-party data – allowing brands more time to rebuild the road to a sustainable long-term solution that drives better results. The demise of the third-party cookie can be seen as a blessing for brands – allowing them to thrive in a completely new digital marketing world moving away from a focus on cookie-based audiences and towards a focus on user experience & behavior by prioritizing first party data. For the tech giants of the world such as Facebook, Amazon and Apple, this change will have little to no impact on them as they are already heavily relying on first-party data through accounts, subscriptions and purchases. This is why brands need to start thinking about building their first-party data now to start forming valuable and legitimate relationships with the shoppers visiting their website. 

Prioritize first-party data

Privacy and personalization is a paradox. Shoppers want to continue to receive personalized experiences at the same time as protecting their privacy. Let’s face it, third party cookies have a bad rep as consumers notoriously don’t trust them and get annoyed by them, which in turn reflects on your brand. So, what’s the solution? Put your first party data to work. 

91% of shoppers are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them

80% of shoppers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that provides personalized experiences

63% of shoppers will stop buying from brands that use poor personalization tactics

Third party cookies have limited targeting capabilities and inaccurate attribution. The loss of these third party cookies is an opportunity for brands to focus efforts on a higher calibre & targeted group of shoppers – providing real value & personalized experiences at every stage of the buying journey. As today’s savvy online shoppers have access to multiple devices, the need to be consistent across all devices and touchpoints is more important than ever.

Third-party cookies don’t recognize the customer but only recognize the device which means your personalization efforts are limited. With first party data you can provide hyper personalized experiences across the entire buying journey no matter how the consumer chooses to shop. If you’d like to discuss how Knexus can leverage first party data to provide hyper personalized eCommerce journeys, book a demo the Knexus team.

The role of AI & ML in a cookieless world

AI and ML can help brands provide personalized experiences without the need to know who the customer is – due to the technology’s ability to learn what messaging, content, and products for example, resonate with each individual customer. Unlike third party cookies, AI enables brands to predict the behaviors & actions of consumers by identifying patterns & gathering data driven insights. Lets take contextual AI for example – this leverages the power of Machine Learning to not replace, but augment human thinking and understanding of your customers and content. For brands, this means being able to provide shoppers with relevant, valuable content without the need for third-party data. Brands should think about whether or not to adopt an AI platform that could potentially help provide personalized experiences across the entire buying journey. 

Knexus supports first-party data

Knexus creates anonymous visitor cookies which are treated as first party cookies as they are deployed on the brand’s domain through visitor tracking. The events Knexus tracks are passed via tracking API to Knexus in real-time and not stored in cookies. Knexus tracks the real-time behaviour anonymously confined to the client’s website but can also work with brands to gather gather other first and third party datasets for segment level/one to one personalization. 

Knexus allows brands to provide personalized experiences throughout the entire buying journey across the ecommerce store, paid search campaigns, mobile app and CRM campaigns, at the same time as protecting each shopper’s privacy. It’s a win, win.

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